Emergency Dentistry - How to Treat a Painful Tooth Ache

Jun 16, 2022

What is a Painful Tooth Ache? It is a sharp, constant pain in your tooth that gets worse when you eat or drink anything. Symptoms of a toothache can range from mild to severe, and they may even come and go throughout the day. In some cases, a broken tooth or lost filling may be the culprit. Regardless of the cause, you should see a dentist as soon as possible.

First, you may want to consult with a dentist for a diagnosis and treatment options. You may want to try an over-the-counter pain reliever to help with the discomfort, but you should also try a warm saltwater rinse to help flush out irritating food particles and reduce inflammation. A cold compress can also help with toothache pain. While a cold compress won't make the pain go away, it will help to reduce inflammation and soothe the area.

Despite the comedy that tooth aches often bring, they should never be ignored. There are several common causes of tooth ache, from decay to infection to a fractured tooth. A fractured tooth can also cause a pain, or an abscess can cause pus to drain from the area. A foul taste may also accompany a toothache, so you should always see an emergency dentist right away. If you've ignored a toothache for a long time, it could be a sign of something serious.

To treat a toothache, you can try an over-the-counter pain reliever like Advil, aspirin, or Tylenol. Make sure these medicines don't conflict with any of your regular medications. When taking a pain reliever, avoid biting or sucking on the affected tooth. If you do decide to take a prescription, make sure to consult your doctor before making any changes to your pain reliever.

In many cases, the cause of a painful toothache is an abscess. An abscess is an infection in the soft tissue surrounding the root of the tooth. Infected tooth tissues produce an inflammatory chemical that causes the pain. Inflamed tissue will also produce more pain signals to the brain. Fortunately, there are many treatments that can be applied to prevent the pain from spreading to other parts of the mouth.

Most toothaches are caused by a cavity, which wears away the outer layer of the tooth and exposes the dentin layer. The dentin layer is composed of microscopic tubules and provides access to the inner portion of the tooth, the pulp. Once this area becomes exposed, a cavity will eventually form. If left untreated, it can lead to more severe dental problems. So, see a dentist if you experience any of these problems.